Days out for Per-Dime Income-tax
I'll like to know at the end of the Year How many days I have been out of the house to claim a per-dime , for my income-tax

Mike Hardbarger commented
This would not slow the program down. Computers are designed to calculate. You Flag "Arrive Home" And you Flag "Leave Home". At Tax time you search any appropriate year for days out. The program then calculates instantly how many days at home and how many days out.
I hate to go thru my logbook page by page each year to search home time.
This is so important to me I'm seriously thinking of changing programs even if this program is free for me through my company. -
nathan commented
This would require saving the entire year of logs and never clearing out the old logs. I am sure that would drastically slow the program down. I don't think I am for that. I made a super simple spreadsheet that keeps track. I just put in the dates for when I left home and when I get back. The spreadsheet tells me how long I was gone for each run, total days out for the year and even a percentage of "time away from home. If you would like a copy, email me:
nathan at drivernotify dot com